Nissan Murano | Grand Rapids, MI 49512 | JN8AZ08W34W327356 | New and Used Cars | Auto Insurance | Car Loans
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2004  Nissan  Murano
VIN: JN8AZ08W34W327356

Recent Asking Price: $13,995
Estimated Payment: $233
Last Reported Mileage: 79,624
Exterior Color: Black

Vehicle located in Grand Rapids, MI 49512
Vehicle Options
Leather/metal-look steering wheel trim,Leather/aluminum shift knob trim,Aluminum dash trim,Silver aluminum rims,Power remote driver mirror adjustment,Remote power door locks,Power windows,Cruise controls on steering wheel,Cruise control,External temperature display,Tachometer,Auxilliary transmission cooler,4-wheel ABS Brakes,Front Ventilated disc brakes,1st and 2nd row curtain head airbags,Passenger airbag,Side airbag,braking assist

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